Save Greater Manchester’s Greenbelt (SGMGB) came into existence because ordinary people from all walks of life across GM, were concerned about a regional housing plan that promoted Green Belt loss.
We believe our Green Belt is precious, it is good for the environment providing habitat for many species, it provides food, space to walk, cycle and horse ride, its good for our physical and mental health, it helps mitigate air pollution and captures carbon.
We accept we need housing, but the right housing in the right places. Brownfield sites must be a priority along with affordable housing and sustainable transport.
SGMGB became an umbrella group for Green Belt and greenspace groups across GM to come together, share ideas, plan campaigns for engagement of their local communities and to lobby our elected representatives, we are a true grassroots movement.
Our mantra is “stronger together”
We are very pround to be associated with The Community Planning Alliance, we are mentioned on their map. Please click on the image to visit the CPA’s website..