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Save Greater Manchester’s Green Belt (SGMGB)
Places for Everyone (formerly GMSF) Challenge Fund

gmsf challenge fund


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On 30th April 2024 Save Greater Manchester’s Green Belt Ltd commenced legal action, which is aimed at reversing the release of over 2,400 hectares of Green Belt that was unnecessarily allocated for development in the Places for Everyone (formerly GMSF). Our legal team has estimated that the full costs will exceed £100,000 so we urgently need YOUR support to raise the funding we need to ensure we can continue with our claim.

We know that times are hard and money is tight for many but donations of all sizes are most welcome. You can also help by sharing with family, friends and colleagues.   

We would welcome a small donation from all our followers which can be made either to your local group or directly to the SGMGB’s Lloyd’s Bank Account (Save Greater Manchesters Green Belt Ltd, Sort Code 30-99-50, Account Number 43299162).

Alternatively, you can use GoFundMe click here     Paypal ( You can also use the GoFundMe or PayPal QR Codes below (this will reduce the amount you donate as both GoFundMe and PayPal charge us a fee for the service)

If you find it easier to give a cash donation, we can arrange for one of our local Group Leads to collect it from you.

Join the SGMGB Lotto Club

Joining the SGMGB Lotto Club is great way to help our efforts – and you could win your money back! What’s not to like? The monthly draw gives a guaranteed 40% in prizes. The Lotto Club is fully regulated and run by volunteers meaning 60% goes directly to Save Greater Manchester’s Green Belt. Choose to pay monthly or 12months up front for a chance to win. Email for more details.


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